Supernova Page 8
I swatted his hands from his thighs as he tried to reach for his cock.
“I own this, Brat,” I told him, flicking his limp dick with my fingers. “From now on your punishment will be tease and denial. Only well behaved, submissive mates are rewarded by pain.”
“I’m not your mate,” He whimpered meekly. His green eyes grew wide in concern watching me spit again in my hand. “Not again.”
“Oh yes again. Spread your legs, Brat. Open for me,” I told him firmly. He complied quietly whimpering in passionate need. I slipped my hand around his cock, squeezing and pulling, being driven by his pleading and my own desire to break his will. My cock responded in sympathy and drooled its own mess against the leather hiding it. I released his cock and stood. For the moment it took for me to unbuckle my Da’ Shari Brat looked relieved until he realized I wasn’t stopping, just removing the heavy garment.
“Hastor, have mercy,” he whined. “I can pleasure you, let me.”
I knelt again by his hips and shook my head. “And let you come with me, Brat? I don’t think so. As I said, I can do this all night.”
After a couple of hours his cock was so oversexed that a single finger was all I needed to make him howl. I had moved to sit on his chest with my back to him so that he could not see what I was going to do next. He legs shook from the tension of anticipation and from trying to keep them spread for me. Behind me, he had startled to babble near nonsense. Just random thoughts strung together as he suffered. Mostly he begged for mercy but on occasion he cursed angrily. Frankly, I was surprised - pleasantly so -- to hear him still have fight in him despite the relentless teasing and denial each time.
“Hmm, still not fully submitting, Brat?” I noted. “You are remarkably strong after all but even stone walls have a breaking point.”
A whole string of Xolian curse words filled the cave as I gathered his balls and shaft at the base in one hand, squeezing. With the other I tapped his taught ball sack. I chuckled as I picked out a few words I had learned after spending time with his brother, Quinn. “Does that mean Na-less plant eater? That’s not a nice thing to call someone, whelp.”
“Please,” he gasped as I tapped him again and flicked my fingers against the reddened glans ignoring his pleas for mercy. “Hastor, I can’t take this!”
“Oh but you will,” I replied heartlessly. I spit over the small piss hole and swirled my finger against it, entering him. I knew how sensitive that area was. I teased my finger in and out slowly and felt his breathing quicken. I was awarded for my efforts by another wave of juice from his nearly depleted reserve. I’d finally get somewhere when he was completely drained of pre-ejaculate.
He thrashed and kicked his feet against the ground, crying out as I stroked him again without mercy or kindness. I swirled my fingers under the glans listening to his grunts and moans turn to something more torn and animalistic. He promised to be good, he promised to do everything I would ever ask. Finally he just sobbed as I pleasured him.
His cock leaked one more drop, twitched in my hand like a living thing in pain then went flaccid. It lay limply in my palm, a deep angry red shaft and nearly purple head. I knew it would ache for days and that he wouldn’t even want to touch it to urinate. Just to be sure I had his attention, I pinched the tip. Brat didn’t yell or move. He lay submissively beneath me, accepting whatever I decided to do. I tapped his overtaxed flesh with my nail as I asked him, “Ready to submit to me, Brat?”
When he failed to respond quickly enough to my inquiry I drug my nail over his cockhead lightly scratching and teasing it.
“Yes!” He howled. “Please!”
Scratch, scratch. “Then I expect you to answer me at once, whelp.” Flick and tap.
“I’ll submit! Oh please, Hastor!”
I stood up and faced him again, straddling his hips. My own cock was harder than it had been in a long while. Its tip was glistening. I let it drip on his chest and belly. His eyes were hungrily locked on to it like a starving beast. I might as well feed him.
I moved to kneel beside his head. “Suck me.”
There wasn’t a moment’s hesitation. His mouth enveloped me in its warm wet embrace. It took my will power and biting down on my lower lip not to shoot immediately. I wanted this to last. I wanted him to struggle to pleasure me. I gripped the back of his head, pushing inside until he gagged. Thrust after thrust my orgasm built. Allowing him a quick inhalation of air I continued to use his mouth. He figured out the pace and started to suck in earnest.
I withdrew. Confused he looked up at me. “Please, Hastor, I want your cock.”
“I decided you can’t have that tonight after all. Only those that have earned it should receive it, don’t you agree? I’m going outside far enough away that my pheromones don’t bring you satisfaction when I come. Shame to have to waste my seed on the ground. Can’t be helped,” I told him. “In the meantime, I suggest you get yourself righted and cleaned up. When I return you and I are going to have a discussion.”
Even in the deepening gloom of the cave as the sun slowly set outside I could see his eyes begin to tear up. I knew he needed to bond, to feel close right after punishment but I was going to deny him even that small gratification.
After a powerful orgasm, I wiped off my hands on my thighs then entered the cave wondering what the Xolian would be up to. Did he run from me again or had he plotted an attack? I found him kneeling quietly in the center of the cave, his hands lying on his thighs. He had obediently washed his face and cleaned his body of his fluids and now waited for me.
“Hm,” I snorted. “Trying to appease me?”
He took a shaky breath and answered, “Yes, Hastor.”
I sat down by the fire across from him and patted my leg, calling him to me. He had, in the past, ignored such motions and paid for his haughtiness with a few hard slaps of my hand to his ass. Tonight he crawled to me.
He shivered as I touched his face. “It is better to obey, Brat. You’ll get the spanking you so crave and the hard plundering you desire only by submitting.”
He pressed his face into the palm of my hand, resting it there. Licking his lips, he nodded, listening as I continued, “You do have the strength to be my mate. You learn quickly and I believe you will further adapt to life with me. If you agree, I will guide you, take care of you and protect you as best as I can but you’ll need to work on the obedience and submission of course.”
Again he nodded. I told him, “I need your words, Brat. Are you agreeing to be my mate?”
With a long sigh, he replied. “Yes. Well, I’ll try, Hastor. That’s all I can promise.”
I chuckled dryly. Still had some attitude. I’m glad I hadn’t completely broken his spirit or frightened him off. “I’ll take what I can get. Give me your hand. We will seal our agreement with the Blood Bonding.”
He watched as I took my blade from the sheath on my thigh and made a quick cut across my palm. I stretched out my arm offering him the Ka' Ra as blood dripped from my wound and the blade onto the cave floor. He took it from me, sliced his own palm and silently handed the dagger back. Deftly I flicked my wrist, cleaning the blade with the movement and spread fine droplets over myself, Brat and the closest stone wall.
When I offered my bloodied hand again he took it. Our blood comingling made us legal mates. I told him, “Now if I can find a way to get us off this desolate, forsaken rock, that would be ideal. What do you think, Brat?”
“Is Rathia any better?” he asked.
“Marginally,” I said.
“Then let’s see if my brother can convince your king to let us return. Being mated to a Xolian Prince must count for something.”
“Yes, it should.” I settled back against the wall, considering. I caught his small movements to calm himself. “Oh stop shivering, Brat, come here next to me. Can’t have my mate dying from some lame illness because he got cold, can I?”
Quinn:r />
“Del, you are nine months pregnant, almost ten. That is why your breasts are filling out. Your body is slowly getting itself ready to nurture our twins.”
My mate’s eyes grew large in realization. He stammered, “Yeah, yeah, I know. But look at them, Quinn. They’re freaking huge!”
I laid my hands on either side of him, holding him steady as he worked through his feelings on the matter. As we got closer to the big day, the fact that we would soon be fathers was starting to affect us both in profound ways. “You’re going to be fine, Del. Just breathe.”
“They HURT,” he complained. “How do women do this? I mean these boobs are heavy and awkward. They’re not even full of milk yet. How big are they going to get?”
“I’m sorry they make you feel uncomfortable and awkward. I assume they get a bit larger. You’ll have to wear a nursing harness for a while. At least until the babies are weaned,” I said, smiling gently.
My sweet mate snarled, replying sarcastically, “HURTS. Not uncomfortable. Pain. I look ridiculous, Quinn.”
Treading carefully around his breaking ego, I brought him into my arms and held him tenderly, caressing his back. I shushed him as his mother had showed me and reassured him, “Del, you are perfect to me and to our little ones. Each crewmember aboard this ship accepts you and understands.”
Del squirmed trying to pull away but I kept him still. Finally, he relaxed and mumbled into my chest, “Yeah, the crew of the Narada Marant does, sure. But the other humans and even some alien races do not when I go on missions. They just stare.”
“I think you look radiant, Na Ha’ Ri,” I told him. “Don’t worry about what others think.”
When he seemed calm enough to release I did so and retook my chair behind my desk. We had the Ready Room to ourselves so that we could complete the mission reports. Del sat across from me, leaned back stretching his neck and shoulders with a long sigh. The extra weight of the twins was making his back ache. I wanted to get his mind off of his growing list of bodily complaints.
“Speaking of missions, this will be our last one for awhile. We’ll be heading to Xolia soon after so that you can get to know your doctors and healers, take the classes in managing labor pain,” I reminded him.
Instead of uplifting his Na, he sighed loudly and dejectedly at my words. I frowned at him and when he caught my dark look he explained, “I know in my head that Xolia is the best place to give birth. But I’ve been thinking…”
“New Earth is too chaotic. The medical profession too archaic to handle this birth, Del.”
He sat up stiffly and tilted his head. “Let me finish, Quinn. I wasn’t going to say we should have the twins on New Earth. I wouldn’t even want to break a leg on that planet. No, what I was going to say is that I was thinking about having them here.”
“On board the Narada Marant?”
“Yes, Quinn. I wasn’t talking about out in space.”
Shaking my head, I reiterated my points, “That is not a good idea. First, there’s the Medical Bay. We don’t have all the necessary pain management equipment you might require like the deep tub for full body emersion or the anti-grav machine. Second, even though we have a doctor there is no healer aboard to lead your meditations. And lastly, I’ll be too engaged with your labor to lead the crew in case they need me. That leaves the entire ship very vulnerable.”
Del countered, “I know your points, Quinn. Kasen will be your captain even while we are away on Xolia, yes?”
I nodded.
“Then he can be the Captain temporarily with you on board. Freelyn has told us this should be an uncomplicated labor and he has helped Elons to deliver. Also my mother is here to help him. I think that will help me relax. The Narada Marant has that therapy tub which is nearly deep enough. I’ll be fine,” my mate answered.
My claws extended as I started to tap on the desk in irritation. We had covered all this before, numerous times. As First Father it was ultimately my decision and, like it or not, Del would just have to accept it. “No,” I told him firmly. “I am sorry, Del. But too many things can go wrong. We might need emergency care for you or the twins. I’m not risking that. You’ll give birth on Xolia.”
Del rose and stormed off without another word to me.
Later Brync and Kai met me at the space runner. As the last official mission before a three-month hiatus everyone seemed anxious to get going; everyone except our First Officer.
“Has anyone seen Del?” I asked. Heads shook all around the small group. I tapped my comlink on my sleeve. “First Officer? You joining us today?”
There was silence at first and I felt my temper rising. Del normally took his duties seriously but could be a bit childish when he was in the mood. I was about to order him to come to the docking bay at once when he finally answered.
“How the High Hells do you get this freaking thing on, Quinn?”
My mind drew a blank. I inquired, “Get what thing on?”
“The THING!” He shouted. Even over the comlink I could tell he was getting red in the face from anger. “The boob thing…uh the harness.”
Kai snorted but my dirty look and Brync’s elbow in his side shut him up immediately. I turned away from them and headed towards our room. “I’ll come help, stay put,” I said.
“No, I got it, sorry. I had it upside down. I’m fine. Heading down.”
A few minutes later he arrived. His uniform was stretched tightly across his belly and he sort of waddled but he was looking determined. I could barely see the outline of the nursing harness that corralled his enlarged breasts and supported them. He stopped at the ramp looking at all of us suspiciously.
“What? Can you see it?”
Kai asked innocently, “See what?”
Del replied, “Good. Shall we go?”
Del entered first and after I felt he was out of range I whispered to Kai as I passed him, “Thanks, Kai.”
“Sure thing, Captain. Sorry I laughed earlier but ‘boob thing’ was funny,” Kai said.
I chuckled, “Yeah, it was. Don’t worry about it.”
After we landed on the planet, I gathered the group together to discuss the parameters of our mission. I explained, “This planet just joined the Intergalactic Treaty. We are here establishing trade agreements and exploring the local customs. Should be simple enough. Del and I will lead the negotiations. Brync, you’ll provide support for Kai who will be gathering a few flora and fauna samples for our scientists to study.”
“Happy to be of use, Captain,” Kai answered. “It will make my parents happy as well.”
“Exactly the idea, Kai,” I told him.
We followed the meandering stone paved road from the landing site toward the castle-like structure in the distance. When we finally reached and passed under the sculpture topped arches Kai stopped a moment and examined the plants at the base of the wall.
“Interesting, like Xolia these plants seem to have some sort of defense function. I’ve gathered a few of the thorny branches,” the shifter said.
My mate asked as we continued onwards, “Why has it taken so long for this planet to join the Treaty?”
“They are a very closed society,” I explained. “This should be interesting.”
Four figures approached, their skull like masks giving us the impression that death walked amongst us. It was an unsettling sight. I bowed low as was apparently the custom and my away team followed suit. The tallest one nodded and raised his open hand, palm up. I tug into my pocket, producing the translator. Careful so as not to touch him, I laid it into his hand. He lifted it to the bony white mask and said, “That one with the marks? What is?”
“A Polvo from the planet Sigma Seti Six. He’s helping to gather plants and animal samples. Your government agreed to his presence and tasks,” I said.
The leader looked Del over as well, pointing with his free hand. “That fat one? Is he well and fit?”
I glared hard at my mat
e to keep him silent. He looked like he wanted to bash in the grinning skull of the representative. I answered quickly, trying to diffuse the situation, “My First Officer, Del Foster and my mate. I was told it was fine to have him present here as well.”
“Mates are welcome in government forums until they have been bred. He should be at home resting and preparing to care for the family,” Skull face said.
“Excuse me?” Del growled.
The leader added, completely ignoring my mate’s outrage, “He is welcome to walk about our markets and gardens but I’m afraid our planetary business can not include him in such a condition.”
“We are guests on your planet and will abide by your rules,” I promised. I turned to talk to my group. “Del, will you go to the market with Brync and Kai? They can gather more samples that way. I’m sorry, my mate, but we are trying to establish relations here.”
Del grumbled and gave the planetary representatives a hard, cold look but thankfully complied. I knew he would have something to say on the matter later. He squared his shoulders and walked off with Brync and Kai scrambling to keep up.
We left Quinn to get the trade agreement papers signed. Once we were out of ear shot, I snarled,” Assholes!”
Kai laughed softly, “It’s alright, Sir. The older generation on my planet feels the same way about the pregnant. They should be pampered at home. Of course we only carry a fertilized egg a few months so it is much easier on us.”
“The Captain is being rather lenient, Sir. On Xolia the Second Father is often encouraged to nest and prepare the home for the arrival of the baby,” Brync added sincerely.
“I have over two more months! I’m not going to seclude myself as though I were contagious,” I replied. “Let’s just drop the subject and gather what we need.”
Brync and Kai were happy to comply. We continued on in silence, observing our surroundings and picking out items to take back with us. The sun shone brightly in the amber colored sky and the temperature seemed to climb. Even though we entered a walled garden area filled with flowers, cascading water displays and towering golden columns it was getting hotter than High Hell. It did not help one bit that I was carrying around two little heaters and wearing a leather uniform. Sweat was pouring out of every pore and I had to keep wiping my face to keep from drowning. “I hope Quinn gets that document signed quickly. I’m roasting.”